Make A Scholarship Gift

Please join us in establishing our new annual scholarship fund, the 50 Friends of Carolina Society. Our goal is to raise $1,000 in the next few months to award to a Carolina student hailing from our club area in Eastern NC. All it takes is 50 – $20 gifts to reach our goal. Give today!

How to make an online gift to the 50 Friends of Carolina Society Eastern NC Scholarship Fund

  1. Visit this site
  2. In the first drop-down (Select a school/unit/program) please select Regional Scholarships
  3. In the second drop-down (Please select a fund) please select Pitt County Carolina Club Scholarship (656508)*
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your gift

*This is the legacy name of the scholarship. The student may come from any of the Eastern NC counties that make up our club – Johnston, Wilson, Pitt, Lenoir, Greene, or Martin.